Historical International Maps

Why stop at the border? Our collection of vintage international map reproductions spans the globe! Expertly created and restored, our antique maps will delight international travelers and history buffs. We have hundreds of historical maps of Europe, the Holy Land, Asia, North and South America — and the world. If you don’t see what you are looking for, give us a call. We are adding old map prints from new regions and countries every day. Old International maps will look great in your office or den.

West Indies British Empire - Overton 1741 - 36 x 23
West Indies Central America - Alden 1886 - 35.89 x 23
West Indies Chart - Sayer 1775 - 23 x 33.96
West Indies Chart - Speer 1774 - 23 x 37.46
West Indies Islands - London Print 1860 - 29.31 x 23
West Indies Islands Jamaica Barbados - 1730 - 25.88 x 23
West Indies Trade Charts - Bartholomew 1907 - 23 x 27
West Indies United States Mexico - Colton 1862 - 23 x 30
West Midlands England - Bartholomew 1892 - 23 x 30.41
West Munich Germany - Baedeker 1914 - 23 x 23.70
Westend Berlin Germany - Baedeker 1914 - 33.21 x 23
Western Asia - Reynold 1921 - 23 x 32.40