Old California City Maps

From Los Angeles to San Francisco, we have many maps of California cities across the state. These beautifully vintage California city map reproductions allow you to trace the growth and follow milestones in a city’s development. Maps were created for a variety of purposes: by city engineers to plan growth, to trace demographics, even to document voting and school districts. These beautiful antique maps are a priceless addition to libraries, historical societies, or individuals’ collections. Old maps make a great gift for any history buff.

Oakland 4th And 6th Wards California - Thompson 1878 - 35.38 x 23
Oakland North 7th Ward California - Thompson 1878 - 34.81 x 23
Oakland South 7th Ward California - Thompson 1878 - 32 x 23
Oakland Index California - Thompson 1878 - 23 x 30
Oakland California Second Ward - Thompson 1878 - 36.44 x 23
Oakland California Fifth Ward - Thompson 1878 - 23 x 27.81