Old Mining Maps

Relive the Gold Rush! Or trace the development of silver, coal, mineral and salt mining!
Mining maps show ownership, distances, railroads, and telegraph lines. The growth of entire regions of the country was influenced by the mining industry. Follow their history with these detailed maps, featuring a treasure trove of historical information.
Our collection includes historic gold mining maps and vintage maps of Nevada’s copper mines and New Hampshire and Alaska’s mining regions. Our stunning vintage map reproductions bring this era of history to life.

Alaska Central Mining - Sleem 1910 - 23 x 31
California Gold Regions - Thayer 1849 - 23 x 28.56
Nevada Lincoln County Mineral Mines - Tschanz 1954 - 24.68 x 23
Nevada Lincoln County Bristol Silver Mine - USGS 1953 - 24.03 x 23
Nevada Gold Producing District Mines - Bonham 1976 - 23 x 26.04
Nevada Highland District Lincoln County Mines - Tschanz 1953 - 26.92 x 23
Nevada Esmeralda County Mines - Albers 1945 - 30.88 x 23
Nevada Ranch Quad Gravity Mines - Erwin 1968 - 29.24 x 23
Nevada Lake Pyramid Calcium Mines - USGS 1966 - 23 x 31.44
Nevada Esmeralda County Mineral Mines - USGS 1960 - 23 x 34.98
Nevada Antelope District Pershing County Mines - USGS 1958 - 44.60 x 23
Nevada Esmeralda County Minerals Mines - USGS 1945 - 23 x 34.77