Old United States Railroad Maps

Great Central Railroad Route - Thomas 1856 - 40 x 23
Great Central Railway West - Schuchman 1854 - 23 x 46
Great Central Route International Rail Guide - Tunis 1855 - 23 x 44
Great Kennesaw Railroad Route - Matthews 1890 - 23 x 42.70
Gulf of Mexico Northern Lakes Proposed Rail Lines - McBean 1850 - 23x35
Hannibal and St Joseph Railroad - Colton 1860 - 23 x 41.50
Hannibal and St Joseph Railroad - Hunt 1863 - 23 x 30.43
Harrisburg Pittsburg Projected Railway - 1840 - 23 x 55.15
Hillsborough and Cincinnati Railroad - Jacobil 1853 - 23 x 59
Houston and Texas Central Railroad - Colton 1867 - 23 x 26.40
Indiana Bloomington and Western Railway - Colton 1872 - 23 x 39
Iowa and Missouri State Line Railroad - Colton 1868 - 23 x 78.84