Historical USA State Maps

Whether you are tracing French or Spanish territories or following the original British colonies, these historical USA state maps illustrate the many flags that formed the eventual United States. Old USA maps will include territorial borders, sea charts and important infrastructures such as ports or railroads. These maps not only make a great gift, they are a must-have for any antique map collection.

Amerique Septentrionale - Popple 1733 - 23 x 24
Chesapeake Bay Maine 1685 - 23 x 27
Colonial Wars - Cram 1892 - 23 x 28.79
Constitution Ratification - Cram 1892 - 23 x 28.30
Dakotas - Johnson 1888 - 23 x 34.89
Eastern States - Mitchell 1869 - 23 x 28.69
Indian Nations First Settlement - Cram 1892 - 30.32 x 23
Indian Territory Oklahoma - Guthrie - Hoen 1896 - 31.04 x 23
Indian Territory Oklahoma - Hoen 1896 - 30.95 x 23
Kentucky Tennessee - Johnson 1888 - 27.29 x 23
Louisiana Purchase Capt Pikes Chart 1 - Nau 1810 - 23 x 23
Louisiana Texas Arkansas - Mitchell 1869 - 29.19 x 23